Term 1: Wed 29 Jan - Fri 11 Apr 2025
We would really like to get to know you and your family a little better.
Here are a variety of activities you can choose to help us get to know you.
Upcoming events::
25 Feb Tues Interschool swimming competition
26 Feb Wed Meet the teacher event 6pm
12 Mar. Wed. Board of Trustees meeting. 5-6pm
18 Mar Tues. Interschool Playball and Cricket competition
11 Apr Fri Final assembly and end of term 1 (school finishes at 3pm)
Monday 27 January Auckland Anniversary
Thursday 6 February Waitangi Day
Friday 18 April Good Friday
Monday 21 April Easter Monday
Friday 25 April Anzac Day
Monday 2 June King’s Birthday
Friday 20 June Matariki
Monday 27 October Labour Day
The Principal
Tēnā koutou, Malo ē lelei, Talofa lava, Fakalofa lahi atu, Talofa ni, Kia orana, Ni Hao, Namaste, As-salamu alaikum, Bula vinaka
On behalf of the board of trustees, staff and students of Papatoetoe North School I welcome you.
We are a vibrant diverse school community who value whanaungatanga, tautua and kindness.
We believe that every student brings who they are into the school and that because of their input we all benefit.
The Treaty of Waitangi is the core document for education and because we are all signatories we all have the right to; have our language and culture protected, to participate in the school as we are and to benefit from genuine partnership.
We acknowledge tangata whenua and prioritise Māori success. We also build strong connections with all the people groups within our school community.
Languages are an important part of our community and we strongly encourage the use of heritage languages at school as we interact together as parents, staff and in learning.
We have 3 Te Reo bilingual classes, Te Whānau Tupuranga, throughout the school and this has led the way to establish 3 bilingual Samoan classes, Fanau mo le Lumana’i, and a bilingual Hindi class, Gyan Uday.
We are known in education for the way we connect to and involve our families with what happens in the classroom, something we are proud of.
I encourage you to look around the website and our Facebook page, you are also welcome to come and meet me and the team if you would like to look around.
Ngā mihi nui,
Stan Tiatia
Papatoetoe North School
Ph: (09) 278 6153 or 0800 PAPNTH
Email: office@papnorth.school.nz
Map: View Map
2025 Term dates
Term 1: Wed 29 Jan-Fri 11 Apr
Term 2: Mon 28 Apr-Fri 27 Jun
Term 3: Mon 14 Jul-Fri 19 Sept
Term 4: Mon 6 Oct-Thurs 11 Dec