University of New South Wales Exams
- children who have the potential to do well are encouraged to sit the exams to learn exam technique and to gain an appreciation of their future potential.
Papatoetoe Primary Schools’ Extension Programme
- usually six semesters are offered each year. Each semester runs for three weeks and children from Year four, five and six are nominated to participate. Course content is identified each year.
Auckland Primary Principals’ Speech Contest
- class, then syndicate and finally a school contest identify the child who will represent the school at this contest.
Information and Communication Technology
- children are selected and trained as “classroom” computer monitors.
School based extension groups
- for year 5and 6, run in maths, English, Inquiry and digital literacy skills.
The Arts
- Art – opportunity is provided every second year for children’s art-work to be entered into the Papatoetoe Principals’ Art Show as well as Papatoetoe North Art Show.
- Brass Band – an opportunity for senior children to learn an instrument and play in a band.
- Cultural groups - train and perform bi-annually.
- Kapahaka - a kapahaka ropu meet and practise on an ongoing basis for our annual kapahaka festival
- Singing - in alternative years, choirs are trained to represent the school in either the Papatoetoe or Auckland Primary Principals’ choral festivals.
- The school operates a vibrant fitness and skill based programme from which training squads are selected for: swimming, rugby, netball, soccer, cricket, playball, gymnastics, athletics, cross country and touch. From the training squads representative teams are selected.
- Specialist training in badminton and extra swimming lessons are available.